Saturday, October 25, 2008

Writers, Ireland, and Writers from Ireland

Sure, we all know and love James Joyce, but did you know who else is an Irish writer? This enormous list of people that's who!
Oscar Wilde, William Butler Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Beckett, Bram Stocker, Johnathan Swift. Yeah I guess all those books in English had to be written by someone and it sure as hell wasn't an American.
Even more impressive is Ireland actually seems to respect and care about it's writers. There are monuments everywhere and these cool quotes on buildings in midtown Dublin. Even the airport was adorned with literary figures.
This is (a very small piece of) Dublin's Castle. Now that I've been in Europe I know longer understand how cities function without a castle. Where does the king live if there's no castle?
It's a very serious place.
Yes, that's right "ORDER". You officially know not to mess around.
Not too serious back here though, they've painted it festive colors. Yes, they painted a castle. Love this city.
I should note that this is still a functional castle. In other words people still use this as some kind of government building. People have desk jobs here, in this castle.

Oh, and, by the way-
Castle Count - 7
In the spirit of the Irish I've decided to honor the writers I appreciate in an appropriate way (admit it, at the beginning of the sentence you thought this was gonna be another drinking joke). Thus I'm putting a list of other blogs that I enjoy on the right side of my page for you guys to peruse.

I know, I know "But Jesse" you think and say "all my emotiono-blogo-investment is in your wonderful blog you magnificent stallion and nobel prize winner". While this is true it can't hurt to have extra stuff to read on the internet right? Check them out some time. After you read mine.

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