Sunday, October 19, 2008

Magical Fairie Magic?

There's no other explanation for these amazingly old structures.
Unless perhaps, before people had TV or written language they were really bored and had nothing better to do.
Either way these are called Cairns, they once served as burial chambers, maybe.
They're thousands of years old (I forgot how many thousands but it's a lot)
and they're laid out in perfect synchronization with the sun.
One of them has a chamber that would only have been illuminated at the last light of the winter solstice. You can't tell me that's not cool.
Either way, we can all agree that if you stand in the middle of one of these you'll be transported to another universe (as long as you have the magic mirror).


Marcelo Bonafede Venezia said...
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Anonymous said...

those look creepy! you should do a ghost tour if you can :) well i guess you're not in scotland anymore but at another creepy old place...

veloner said...

btw, the cairns are from 4000 BC and mind your postmodern speak, j

Jesse K said...

Would you believe I haven't seen a single ghost yet!?!?

I seriously wanted to see one while I was here, in Europe, the second or third most haunted continent.