Monday, October 6, 2008

Scottish Highlands

Come for a drive with me, won't you?
Today we're going from the city of Edinburg, Scotland's capital, to the tiny deserted wilderness town of Glencoe. Glencoe is significant because of it's isolated beauty, or so they tell me. It's right in the middle of the Scottish highlands.

Let's have a good drive, shall we?
We'll see some spectacular hills, bathed in light rare rays of sunlight. It'll be cloudy and rainy most of the time or course.
And mysterious lochs galore! Does this one have a monster in it? No, not this one. Maybe one later...
Bridges and crosses, both very old and no longer up to modern standards.
And look, how surprising, a castle.

This one looks like it's in rather worse shape than previous castles. That's because it's older

The sheep seem to have no respect for the ancientness of this cemetary. There's no telling where sheep are going to turn up in the scottish highlands (they are going to turn up everywhere. there are as many sheep as there are blades of grass).

Another loch (that's lake). Where does all this water come from (besides, of course, the endless rain every day.From rivers of course. The landscape is filled with them too. Most of the hills have several waterfalls rolling down them in a meandering way.

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