Saturday, November 29, 2008


I admit it, I love aquariums. I know, I know, it's cruel to the fish or whatever, but come on, they're soo cool looking.
Anyway, when I have the chance to visit an aquarium that also has a mission of environmental protection to help sooth my guilt you'd better believe I'm all over that.
The SeaLife aquarium in Konstanz is such a place. Run by Greenpeace, it's a theme aquarium through-and-through (have I mentioned yet how much I love things with unnecessary themes?), it not only tries to have an environmental message but also follows a kind of path from the start of the Rhine in the Alps all the way to the North Sea. This is a recreation of the caveman from which it springs.
At first the Rhine doesn't have much stuff in it, mainly jellyfish I surmise. I don't remember much (besides it being awesome), so I'm going to have the order of my pictures and some colorful exposition do most of the story telling.
The there were fish. This tank seriously has like a million fish in it. I think at this point we're in the part of the rhine that flows into Lake Konstanz. These guys also live in the lake right outside this building. The ones inside are lucky, they have free heating- see how environmentally sensative?We're at the a port city from which the Rhine flows into the sea now. Notice the plague rat? This place has a sence of humor, big rubber things all over the place.

Here we're getting close to the sea I think maybe? Oh, I remember, this is a ship wreck. It was cool, they recreated a tide with a wave machine. The fish were being pushed all over the place, not ideal for you and me but that's their thing, whatever floats your boat I guess (haha).
This is the shark and ray tank and now we're officially in the North Sea. Check out these awesome youtube videos of sharks, rays, and octopi.
Rays 1
Rays 2
And this guy is just chillin, I took a picture of him cause he's so silly lookin'. Keep on keepin' it real my man. Sometimes I feel just like him, you know?
I don't know where this is in our little journey, but he's a pretty small guy. I guess he lives in the ocean too?
Oh, now I remember, these guys all live by the bottom in reefs and stuff.
They had this big glass tunnel that you could walk through and there were huge fish and eels and sharks and stuff. I am like 8.
And now, some coral, so that people don't get over-excited I guess.
They also had some kind of ice age fossil exhibition (represented by this awesome guy) but it cost like 2 extra euro. Extra? For skeletons when I just saw living sea creatures? No Thank You!


Anonymous said...

I don't know if you know this, you probably do, but i loooove aquariums!This one looks so cool, especially the jellyfish exhibit.

Anonymous said...

wait why are aquariums cruel to the fish? I think i would be happy to live in an aquarium if i were a fish...i probably wouldn't be eaten by other fish...i'd have it sooo easy.... so yeah i don't know why it would be cruel haha.