Friday, September 12, 2008

Pizza Night!

So V is out tonight working as some kind of guide to an art exhibition and that means I am left to fend for myself for food. Consequently I'll do exactly what I do in the states and order a pizza.

Where do I order from?
Pizza Pimps of course!

I wonder who will deliver it...
That would be the pizza hoes I guess.

In other news I think I'll try to upload at least SOMETHING every day, so there's something between the larger updates. I just have so many pictures.
Kids! Don't forget to brush your teeth! Or I will eat you!


veloner said...

no reply to my emails that I sent ILLEGALLY from highly official German work, but bloggin' about'em hoes!! outrageous! V is jumping in triangles!!

Anonymous said...

i wish there was a place called pizza pimps here!