Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Eldritch Floral Horrors of Western Germany OR A Door Into the Endless Green Night

I write this as my mind begins to slip from my possession. I only pray that someone finds my writings before it is too late for them, nay the whole world.
I came to this seemingly pleasant state at first to calm my harried nerves after the unfortunate incidents of Ms. M______ and Mssr. G_______. Oh how I miss them, I can still hear the unearthly moans. My doctor recommended the Rhineland Palatinate as an escape from the smog and dishealthful clamour of London city, hoping its acres of peaceful vineyards would be balm to my troubled soul, myself being an amateur horticulturist and an admitted oenophile.
It quickly became clear that these were no ordinary wine fields. The tendrils of these plants grew like spindly spider legs, their fruits mean and hardened and wilting.
All through't grey clad and hooded men shambled like zombies, trimming at the looming rows constantly. Why should they clip at them so if these vineyards were their main subsistance, I wondered. Growing bold with curiosity I approached a workman, but he seemed to be deaf and dumb, continuing his work as if my presence were not even felt. When I tried to get his attention by coming between his shears and his target, he groaned aggressively at me and gestured threateningly. I saw in this moment that the man had no tongue and a strange marke tattooed on his left cheek.
Twisted unnaturally, the devilish vines pulsed with an unearthly hatred. Certain that something was amiss in the fields I endeavored to sojourn to a nearby hamlet, seeking answers. All the while the roots of unease grew in my mind.
The path was snowey and the day unseasonably cold and dark. The branches oe'rhead blotted out what little sunlight weakly filtered down. In these shadows I startled upon what appeared to be a half buried kraken along the sideroad. T'was just a treestump, although my racing heart told me to take caution anyhowe. Is it any great wonder that I imagined to see some movement as I briskly hurried a'past?
All along the path was lyned with grasses like daggers. Tall as a man and sharp enough to pierce skin. Never had I occurred upon such unusual flora. T'was as if they were militiamen, fearsome pykes in hand.
And strange heads of growth, trimmed back violently, rattled with sound unfamiliar in either plant or animal kingdoms. The sounds which the wind rustled from these baubles was likeas a whysper,


I speeded my pace.

Finally with pulse aquickened I arrived at my destination. The town was eerily still, with not a soul to be found. What was to be found easily, however, were more of the damned plants. It was around this time that I began to hear the voice, fell and gruesome, whyspering wordlessly.
Some buildings had fallen completely, now eruptions of pointed feelers, reaching in the cold air.
It spill'd from troth and from bucket until it seemed that not an inch was left uncovered.
I observed all manner of strange shrubbery that seemed completely alien. The tendrils of this ungodly growth snatched up a passing jay, quickly draining it of its life.
The spines that grew from this spiked tree shot out in growth so rapidly that it tore my clothes and cut a gash in my shoulder. It's growth so unnatural as to give the impression of maliciousness. It felt as if I were a man pursued! The pounding, it does not cease!
The very stoneworke sprouted with varietye of sinister plantlife. I began to wonder what had become of the residents. All too soon I would have my answer.
As I observed these things I chanced upon the sickly smell of death, yea, an odour I know all too well as of late. I followed the scent to it's source and was grimly unstartled to find a human corpse, desanguinated and disintigrating. Its skin all but replaced by green lichens, crimson blood-blossoms sprouting from it's veins. These horticultural horrors were blood drinkers!
All around me plant cocoons the size of human heads, held on narrow neck-stalks of green spilled forth from the Eayrth. The voice like a pounding now, cracking the foundations of my sanity. The ground trembled terribly, I turned to run..!



come in to the darknesssssssss

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