Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Back in Europe, for a limited time only

Hey everyone, on this, the last spring break of my grad-school career, I am going back to Europe. So, like a volcano, this blog erupts briefly with activity before once more sinking into dormancy.Airport carpet. Flew from Orlando to Atlanta, where the carpet may be even worse. There is some kind of psychological meaning to airport carpets, I'm sure of it. A mystery. The flight to Europe is a long one, you may be aware of this. I ended up watching 3 movies and part of a basketball game with the sound off. I will have a separate post about this later. The movies were
The Men Who Stare at Goats (***_ _)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (****_)
and Pandorum (*_ _ _ _), a spacehorror which seemed to consist entirely of running and darkness and whispering.
I missed my chance to sleep on the blame but was treated to that rare and bizarre pre-dawn light.
Soon I would be in Germany, first of my Euro-destinations. I think this might be the Rhine.
I was pleasantly surprised to find snow fields. As a long-time Floridian I am crazy for snow.
I guess this is outside of Frankfurt, where the plane is (hopefully!) going to land.And here is the city proper
One of very few German cities with this kind of skyline.
"Camel" brand 'smoking rooms' in the airport. They are so progressive in Europe!
I am taking Germany's fantastic train system to a little town called Edenkoben, in the German wine country. You'll see it tomorrow (if you want to). I had a stop over in Mannheim
Which seems nice, at least based on their Bannhoff (train station)
Next time we'll go down these tracks and see the place I'm staying at.

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